[][src]Module twitchchat::decoder

Decoding utilities.

A decoder lets you decode messages from an std::io::Read (or futures::io::AsyncRead for async) in either an iterative fashion, or one-by-one.

When not using the Iterator (or Stream), you'll get a borrowed message from the reader that is valid until the next read.

With the Iterator (or Stream) interface, it'll return an owned messages.

This crate provides both 'Sync' (Iterator based) and 'Async' (Stream based) decoding.

Borrowed messages

let input = "@key1=val;key2=true :user!user@user PRIVMSG #some_channel :\x01ACTION hello world\x01\r\n";
let mut reader = std::io::Cursor::new(input.as_bytes());

// you can either &mut borrow the reader, or let the Decoder take ownership.
// ff it takes ownership you can retrieve the inner reader later.
let mut decoder = twitchchat::Decoder::new(&mut reader);

// returns whether the message was valid
// this'll block until it can read a 'full' message (e.g. one delimited by `\r\n`).
let msg = decoder.read_message().unwrap();

// msg is borrowed until the next `read_message()`
// you can turn a borrowed message into an owned message by using the twitchchat::IntoOwned trait.
use twitchchat::IntoOwned as _;
let owned: twitchchat::IrcMessage<'static> = msg.into_owned();

Owned messages

let input = "@key1=val;key2=true :user!user@user PRIVMSG #some_channel :\x01ACTION hello world\x01\r\n";
let mut reader = std::io::Cursor::new(input.as_bytes());

// you can either &mut borrow the reader, or let the Decoder take ownership.
// ff it takes ownership you can retrieve the inner reader later.
for msg in twitchchat::Decoder::new(&mut reader) {
    // this yields whether the message was valid or not
    // this'll block until it can read a 'full' message (e.g. one delimited by `\r\n`).

    // notice its already owned here (denoted by the 'static lifetime)
    let msg: twitchchat::IrcMessage<'static> = msg.unwrap();



A decoder over futures::io::AsyncRead that produces IrcMessages


A decoder over std::io::Read that produces IrcMessages



An error produced by a Decoder.