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Helix endpoints regarding channel points/redeems


let client = HelixClient::new();
let request = GetCustomRewardRedemptionRequest::builder()

println!("{:?}", &client.req_get(request, &token).await?.data.get(0));


Adds a specified user to the followers of a specified channel. create-custom-rewards

Deletes a Custom Reward on a channel. delete-custom-reward

Returns a list of Custom Reward objects for the Custom Rewards on a channel.

Returns Custom Reward Redemption objects for a Custom Reward on a channel that was created by the same client_id.

Updates a Custom Reward created on a channel.

Updates the status of Custom Reward Redemption objects on a channel that are in the UNFULFILLED status.



Custom reward redemption statuses: UNFULFILLED, FULFILLED or CANCELED

FIXME: Returns an object. Return Values for Update Redemption Status

Type Definitions