tusk_lexer 0.4.1

The lexical analysis component of Tusk.

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The lexical analysis component of Tusk.


This crate provides the Lexer and Token implementations used in Tusk. It allows you to provide a &str of input and stream Token instances on demand.


To use the crate, first add it to your Cargo.toml:

tusk_lexer = "0.2.*"

To create a new Lexer, import the struct and use the Lexer::new() method.

use tusk_lexer::Lexer;

fn main() {
    let mut lexer = Lexer::new("$hello = 'cool'");

To get the next token from the input, use the Lexer::next() method:

use tusk_lexer::Lexer;

fn main() {
    let mut lexer = Lexer::new("$hello = 'cool'");

    let maybe_some_token = lexer.next();

This method returns a Token. This struct has 3 fields:

struct Token {
    pub kind: TokenType,
    pub slice: &str,
    pub range: TextRange,


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This repository is distributed under the MIT license. For more information, please read the LICENSE document.