[][src]Module ttv_chat::encoder

Encoding utilies

Using the Encodable trait

Many commands are provided that can be encoded to a writer.

use twitchchat::{Encodable, commands};
// or anything that impls `std::io::Write`
let mut buf = vec![];
// the commands produce 0-copy types
let join_cmd = commands::join("museun");

// which implement encode, which lets them to be written to a std:::Write
join_cmd.encode(&mut buf).unwrap();

// join, for example, makes sure '#' is included in the channel name.
let string = std::str::from_utf8(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(string, "JOIN #museun\r\n");

Using an Encoder

This crate provides composable types (Writers/Encoders) which can be used with the Encodable trait. The types come in both Sync and Async styles.

use twitchchat::commands;

let mut buf = vec![];
let mut enc = twitchchat::Encoder::new(&mut buf);

use std::io::Write as _;
enc.write_all(b"its also a writer\r\n").unwrap();

let string = std::str::from_utf8(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(string, "JOIN #museun\r\nits also a writer\r\n");



A synchronous encoder