ttf-parser 0.1.0

A high-level, safe, zero-allocation TrueType font parser.


Build Status Documentation

A high-level, safe, zero-allocation TrueType font parser.


  • A high-level API.
  • Zero allocations.
  • Zero unsafe.
  • Zero dependencies.
  • Fast.
  • Simple and maintainable code (no magic numbers).


  • Non ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES transform is not supported yet.
  • Only 0, 4, 12 and 13 formats of cmap table are supported.


  • The library heavily relies on Rust's bounds checking and assumes that font is well-formed. You can invoke a checksums checking manually.
  • The library uses per table slices, so it can't read data outside the specified TrueType table.
  • The library forbids unsafe code.


  • font-rs - Mainly a glyph outline extractor. No documentation. Has less features. A lot of magic numbers.
  • truetype - Isn't allocation free. Does a little postprocessing (parses most of the data as is). Has some unsafe.
  • stb_truetype - Mainly a glyph outline extractor. Isn't allocation free. Has less features. Uses panic a lot.


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