[][src]Macro ts_static::ts_static

macro_rules! ts_static {
    ($name:ident, $type_ty: ty) => { ... };

Helper to create a thread safe static value

Can be used in global scope in module scope Required lazy_static imported to scope used

** Usage ts_static!(STATIC_NAME, Type)

** Example ts_static!(MY_STATIC_NAME, i32)

Static is set to a ThreadSafeStruct<T> to use the value use the with function, to set the value use the set function

You can access the mutex field directly value but the helpers should be suffice for most needs

*** Set value MY_STATIC_NAME.set(Some(1337)); *** Use value MY_STATIC_NAME.with(|value| { *value += 1 }).expect(".with failed"); *** Clear value MY_STATIC_NAME.set(None);