Module ts3::event[][src]


Data for a channelcreated event.

Data for a channeldeleted event.

Data for a channeldescriptionchanged event.

Data for a channeledited event. The fields cid, reasonid, invokerid, invokername and invokeruid are always included. All fields prefixed channel_… are only included if the value of the channel was changed.

Data for a channelmoved event.

Data for a channelpasswordchanged event.

Data for a cliententerview event.

Data for a clientleftview event.

Data for a clientmoved event.

Data for a serveredited event.

Data for a textmessage event.

Data for a tokenused event.


Defines a reason why an event happened. Used in multiple event types.


All events sent by the server will be dispatched to their appropriate trait method. In order to receive events you must subscribe to the events you want to receive using servernotifyregister.