[][src]Crate try_guard

The guard! macro.

The guard! macro implements a control-flow sugar that occurs very often in common Rust code:

fn foo(cond: bool) -> Option<i32> {
  if !cond {
    return None;

  // do something useful


This pattern of testing arguments and early-returning with an error is very typical. Unfortunately, the ? operator doesn’t help us here because we want to early-return on a boolean value, not an error value.

A not very idiomatic and weird way to rewrite that:

fn foo(cond: bool) -> Option<i32> {
  if cond { Some(()) } else { None }?;

This crate provides the guard! macro — analoguous to the guard Haskell Alternative function — that helps early-return from a function if a predicate is false:

use try_guard::guard;

fn foo(cond: bool) -> Option<i32> {

Custom guard types

This crate also allows you to guard to anything that implements Try<Error = NoneError> or From<NoneError> (nightly only).

For instance, the following works:

use std::ops::Try;
use std::option::NoneError;
use try_guard::guard;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum MyGuard<T> {

impl<T> MyGuard<T> {
  fn new(x: T) -> Self {

  fn none() -> Self {

impl<T> Try for MyGuard<T> {
  type Ok = T;

  type Error = NoneError;

  fn from_error(_: Self::Error) -> Self {

  fn from_ok(x: Self::Ok) -> Self {

  fn into_result(self) -> Result<Self::Ok, Self::Error> {
    match self {
      MyGuard::Just(x) => Ok(x),
      MyGuard::Nothing => Err(NoneError)

fn foo(cond: bool) -> MyGuard<i32> {

fn main() {
  assert_eq!(foo(false), MyGuard::Nothing);

More control on the error type

If you’d rather manipulate the error type when the predicate is false, you might be interested in the verify! macro instead. That macro is akin to guard! but instead doesn’t exit the current scope: it maps the predicate’s truth to either Some(()) or None, allowing you to call Option::ok_or or whatever error combinator you want to.

use try_guard::verify;

fn foo(cond: bool) -> Result<u32, String> {
  verify!(cond).ok_or("bad condition".to_owned())?;

Feature flags

  • The test-nightly feature flag can be used to test nightly-related features that come freely and don’t require a nightly build of rustc to compile this crate but require one at use site.



The guard! macro.


A version of guard! that doesn’t shortcut.