initSidebarItems({"fn":[["version",""]],"mod":[["authority","Module for `Catalog` of `Authority` zones which are responsible for storing `RRSet` records."],["client","Use `Client` along with `trust_dns::udp::UdpClientConnection` or `trust_dns::tcp::TcpClientConnection`."],["config","Configuration module for the server binary, `named`."],["error","All defined errors for Trust-DNS"],["logger",""],["op","Operations to send with a `Client` or server, e.g. `Query`, `Message`, or `UpdateMessage` can be used to gether to either query or update resource records sets."],["rr","Resource record related components, e.g. `Name` aka label, `Record`, `RData`, ..."],["serialize","Contains serialization libraries for `binary` and text, `txt`."],["server","`Server` component for hosting a domain name servers operations."],["tcp","TCP protocol related components for DNS."],["udp","UDP protocol related components for DNS."]]});