Expand description

Module for Catalog of Authority zones which are responsible for storing RRSet records.


An iterator over an ANY query for Records.

Set of authorities, zones, available to this server.

A lookup that returns no records

LookupOptions that specify different options from the client to include or exclude various records in the response.

A Message which captures the data from an inbound request

A EncodableMessage with borrowed data for Responses in the Server

A builder for MessageResponses

A set of Queries with the associated serialized data


The result of a lookup on an Authority

An iterator over an Authority Lookup

A query could not be fulfilled

The result of a lookup

Iterator over lookup records

The type of zone stored in a Catalog


Authority implementations can be used with a Catalog

An Object safe Authority

Extension to Authority to allow for DNSSEC features

An Object Safe Lookup for Authority

A type which represents an MessageRequest for dynamic Update.

Type Definitions

Result of a Lookup in the Catalog and Authority

Result of an Update operation