Crate trench [] [src]

A Benchmark runner.

The time measured is the total time for all threads to execute the benchmarked function. Typical usage can be to have P threads enqueue N / P elements each, such that the total number of enqueued elements is N.

fn queue_push(num_threads: usize) -> trench::BenchStats {
    const N: usize = 10_000;
    // The state is everything the benchmark function needs. This benchmark function needs the
    // channel we're operating on, as well as the total number of threads, so that we control
    // exactly the number of total insertions.
    struct State {
        sender: Sender<u32>,
        receiver: Receiver<u32>,
        num_threads: usize,

    let (send, recv) = channel();
    // Construct the `State` struct.
    let state = State {
        sender: send,
        receiver: recv,

    // This is the function we want to benchmark. Note that this is a function and not a
    // closure, since it is not allowed to capture anything from its environment.
    fn queue_push(state: &State) {
        for i in 0..N / state.num_threads {
            state.sender.send(i as u32);

    // Make the `Bencher`.
    let mut b = trench::Bencher::<State>::new(state, num_threads);
    b.before(|state| while let Ok(_) = state.receiver.recv() {});
    // Run the benchmark

We use this instead of rustc-test or bencher in order to make it exactly as we want it to behave, as we need very specific things to happen, in order to go around the thread cleanup problem.



Statistics from a benchmark run.


A Bencher is the struct the user uses to make a benchmark. The State type is a user chosen type that the benchmarking function is given a reference to.


A Spawner from the standard library.





A black_box function, to avoid compiler optimizations.


Turn the statistics given into a gnuplot data string.