[][src]Crate tracing_futures

Futures compatibility for tracing.

tracing is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect structured, event-based diagnostic information. This library provides utilities for instrumenting asynchronous code that uses futures.

Feature flags

This crate provides a number of feature flags that enable compatibility features with other crates in the asynchronous ecosystem:

  • tokio: Enables compatibility with the tokio crate, including Instrument and WithSubscriber implementations for tokio::executor::Executor, tokio::runtime::Runtime, and tokio::runtime::current_thread. Enabled by default.
  • tokio-executor: Enables compatibility with the tokio-executor crate, including Instrument and WithSubscriber implementations for types implementing tokio_executor::Executor. This is intended primarily for use in crates which depend on tokio-executor rather than tokio; in general the tokio feature should be used instead.
  • std-future: Enables compatibility with std::future::Future.
  • futures-01: Enables compatibility with version 0.1.x of the futures crate.

The tokio and futures-01 features are enabled by default.





A future, stream, or sink that has been instrumented with a tracing span.


A future, stream, sink, or executor that has been instrumented with a tracing subscriber.



Extension trait allowing futures, streams, and skins to be instrumented with a tracing Span.


Extension trait allowing futures, streams, and skins to be instrumented with a tracing Subscriber.