Crate tomllib [] [src]

Parse and manipulate TOML documents while preserving whitespace and comments with tomllib.

tomllib is a Rust library for parsing, manipulating and outputting TOML documents. tomllib strives to preserve the originalof your document including optional whitespace and comments. The code is available on GitHub.

TOMLParser is located at the root of the module, while associated types in the types module. Because of the way the parse method works it needs to take ownership of the parser. When it returns, it returns ownership of the parser along with a ParseResult that contains a result and any errors.

Here's a quick example of how you parse a document, then get and set some values:


use tomllib::TOMLParser;
use tomllib::types::Value;

let parser = TOMLParser::new();
let toml_doc = r#"
[table] # This is a comment
  "Key One" = "A Value" # This line is indented
# Empty line
    Key2 = 1918-07-02 # This line is indented twice
// Get back the parser and a result from the parse method in a tuple
let (mut parser, result) = parser.parse(toml_doc);
let value = parser.get_value("table.\"Key One\"");
assert_eq!(value.unwrap(), Value::basic_string("A Value").unwrap());
parser.set_value("table.\"Key One\"", Value::float(9.876));
parser.set_value("table.Key2", Value::bool(false));
assert_eq!(&format!("{}", parser), r#"
[table] # This is a comment
  "Key One" = 9.876 # This line is indented
# Empty line
    Key2 = false # This line is indented twice

Here's how you would deal with the ParseResult and any errors

use tomllib::TOMLParser;
use tomllib::types::{Value, ParseResult, ParseError};

let parser = TOMLParser::new();
let toml_doc = r#"
  mixed_array = [5, true]
let (mut parser, result) = parser.parse(toml_doc);
// For brevity's sake we're only matching `FullError` `ParseResult`s and `MixedArray` `ParseError`s
match result {
   ParseResult::FullError(rrc_errors) => {
     println!("Parsed the full document, but with errors:");
     for error in rrc_errors.borrow().iter() {
       match error {
         &ParseError::MixedArray(ref key, ref line, ref column) => {
           println!("A mixed array with key {} was encountered on line {}, column {}.", key, line, column);
           assert_eq!("array_of_tables[0].has_error.mixed_array", *key);
           assert_eq!(4, *line);
           assert_eq!(0, *column); // column reporting is unimplemented so it will always be zero
         _ => assert!(false),
   _ => assert!(false),

Documentation and examples for specific types, enumeration values, and functions can be found in the TOMLParser docs and the types module docs.





A parser, manipulator, and outputter of TOML documents.