Module tokio::executor::current_thread [] [src]

Execute tasks on the current thread

This module implements an executor that keeps futures on the same thread that they are submitted on. This allows it to execute futures that are not Send.

Before being able to spawn futures with this module, an executor context must be setup by calling run. From within that context spawn may be called with the future to run in the background.

use futures::future::lazy;

// Calling execute here results in a panic
// current_thread::spawn(my_future);

current_thread::run(|_| {
    // The execution context is setup, futures may be executed.
    current_thread::spawn(lazy(|| {
        println!("called from the current thread executor");

Execution model

When an execution context is setup with run the current thread will block and all the futures managed by the executor are driven to completion. Whenever a future receives a notification, it is pushed to the end of a scheduled list. The executor will drain this list, advancing the state of each future.

All futures managed by this module will remain on the current thread, as such, this module is able to safely execute futures that are not Send.

Once a future is complete, it is dropped. Once all futures are completed, run will unblock and return.

This module makes a best effort to fairly schedule futures that it manages.



A context yielded to the closure provided to run.


Executes futures on the current thread.



Calls the given closure, then block until all futures submitted for execution complete.


Calls the given closure with a custom sleep strategy.


Executes a future on the current thread.


Returns an executor that executes futures on the current thread.