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Wrappers for Tokio types that implement Stream.


Error types for the wrappers.


A wrapper around tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver that implements Stream.
CtrlBreakStreamWindows and signal
A wrapper around CtrlBreak that implements Stream.
CtrlCStreamWindows and signal
A wrapper around CtrlC that implements Stream.
A wrapper around Interval that implements Stream.
A wrapper around tokio::io::Lines that implements Stream.
A wrapper around tokio::fs::ReadDir that implements Stream.
A wrapper around tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver that implements Stream.
SignalStreamUnix and signal
A wrapper around Signal that implements Stream.
A wrapper around tokio::io::Split that implements Stream.
A wrapper around TcpListener that implements Stream.
UnixListenerStreamUnix and net
A wrapper around UnixListener that implements Stream.
A wrapper around tokio::sync::watch::Receiver that implements Stream.