Crate tokio_io_pool[][src]

This crate provides a thread pool for executing I/O-heavy futures.

The standard Runtime provided by tokio uses a thread-pool to allow concurrent execution of compute-heavy futures. However, it (currently) uses only a single I/O reactor to drive all network and file activity. While this trade-off works well for many asynchronous applications, it is not a great fit for high-performance I/O bound applications that are bottlenecked primarily by system calls.

This crate provides an alternative implementation of a futures-based thread pool. It spawns a pool of threads that each runs a tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime (and thus each have an I/O reactor of their own), and spawns futures onto the pool by assigning the future to threads round-robin. Once a future has been spawned onto a thread, it, and any child futures it may produce through tokio::spawn, remain under the control of that same thread.



Builds an I/O-oriented thread pool (Runtime) with custom configuration values.


A handle to a Runtime that allows spawning additional futures from other threads.


An I/O-oriented thread pool for executing futures.



An error that occurred as a result of spawning futures from a stream given to Runtime::spawn_all.