[][src]Crate tobytcp

tobytcp is a library used when sending messages over a buffer, typically an async TcpStream.

It uses length-prefixing to allow the receiver to differentiate different messages


Here is a tiny example of what it looks like to use TobyTcp's built-in send and receive fns. Also look at the /examples directory and unit tests in the source code for concrete uses of this library.


let mut buf = vec![1, 2, 3];
send(&mut buf, &mut stream).await?;

// Pretend we're connected to an echo server..
let received = receive(&mut stream).await?;

assert_eq!(buf, received);



Includes methods for generating the tobytcp prefix, or attempting to decode the length of the encoded data i.e. payload, from a buffer.



Wait for data, which was encoded as tobytcp, to be received from this Read. Returns the data or any error. See the examples/ dir in the source code, or the tests of this fn in the source code for some examples of this being used.


Writes the data, encoded as tobytcp, to the Write. Returns the total number of bytes written, equal to data.len() + 8. See the examples/ dir in the source code, or the tests of this fn in the source code for some examples of this being used.