tobj 0.0.4

A lightweight OBJ loader in the spirit of tinyobjloader failed to build tobj-0.0.4
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tobj - Tiny OBJ Loader

Tiny OBJ loader, inspired by Syoyo's excellent tinyobjloader. Aims to be a simple and lightweight option for loading OBJ files, simply returns two vecs containing loaded models and materials. All models are made of triangles, any quad faces in an OBJ file will be converted to two triangles.


Rust doc can be found here.


Add the crate as a dependency in your Cargo.toml and you're all set!

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In this simple example we load the classic Cornell Box model that only defines positions and print out its attributes.

extern crate tobj;

use std::path::Path;
use tobj;

let cornell_box = tobj::load_obj(&Path::new("cornell_box.obj"));
let (models, materials) = cornell_box.unwrap();

println!("# of models: {}", models.len());
println!("# of materials: {}", materials.len());
for (i, m) in models.iter().enumerate() {
	let mesh = &m.mesh;
	println!("model[{}].name = {}", i,;
	println!("model[{}].mesh.material_id = {:?}", i, mesh.material_id);

	println!("Size of model[{}].indices: {}", i, mesh.indices.len());
	for f in 0..(mesh.indices.len() / 3) {
		println!("    idx[{}] = {}, {}, {}.", f, mesh.indices[3 * f],
			mesh.indices[3 * f + 1], mesh.indices[3 * f + 2]);

	// Normals and texture coordinates are also loaded, but not printed in this example
	println!("model[{}].vertices: {}", i, mesh.positions.len());
	assert!(mesh.positions.len() % 3 == 0);
	for v in 0..(mesh.positions.len() / 3) {
		println!("    v[{}] = ({}, {}, {})", v, mesh.positions[3 * v],
			mesh.positions[3 * v + 1], mesh.positions[3 * v + 2]);

for (i, m) in materials.iter().enumerate() {
	println!("material[{}].name = {}", i,;
	println!("    material.Ka = ({}, {}, {})", m.ambient[0], m.ambient[1],
	println!("    material.Kd = ({}, {}, {})", m.diffuse[0], m.diffuse[1],
	println!("    material.Ks = ({}, {}, {})", m.specular[0], m.specular[1],
	println!("    material.Ns = {}", m.shininess);
	println!("    material.d = {}", m.dissolve);
	println!("    material.map_Ka = {}", m.ambient_texture);
	println!("    material.map_Kd = {}", m.diffuse_texture);
	println!("    material.map_Ks = {}", m.specular_texture);
	println!("    material.map_Ns = {}", m.normal_texture);
	println!("    material.map_d = {}", m.dissolve_texture);
	for (k, v) in &m.unknown_param {
		println!("    material.{} = {}", k, v);