Expand description

Low-level representation of CoAP messages.

The most notable item in toad_msg is Message; a CoAP message very close to the actual byte layout.


CoAP messages have some attributes whose size is dynamic:

  • The message payload (in http terms: the request/response body)
  • the number of options (in http terms: headers)
  • the value of an option (in http terms: header value)

Message does not require an allocator and has no opinions about what kind of collection it uses internally to store these values.

It solves this problem by being generic over the collections it needs and uses an Array trait to capture its idea of what makes a collection useful.

This means that you may use a provided implementation (for Vec or tinyvec::ArrayVec) or provide your own collection (see the custom collections example)

//! Note: both of these type aliases are exported by `toad_msg` for convenience.

use tinyvec::ArrayVec;
use toad_msg::{Message, Opt};

//                        Message Payload byte buffer
//                        |
//                        |        Array of options in the message
//                        vvvvvvv  vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
type VecMessage = Message<Vec<u8>, Vec<Opt<Vec<u8>>>>;

// Used like: `ArrayVecMessage<1024, 256, 16>`; a message that can store a payload up to 1024 bytes, and up to 16 options each with up to a 256 byte value.
type ArrayVecMessage<
       const PAYLOAD_SIZE: usize,
       const OPT_SIZE: usize,
       const NUM_OPTS: usize,
     > = Message<
           ArrayVec<[u8; PAYLOAD_SIZE]>,
           ArrayVec<[Opt<ArrayVec<[u8; OPT_SIZE]>>; NUM_OPTS]>,

It may look a little ugly, but a core goal of toad is to be platform- and alloc-agnostic.


This crate uses criterion to measure performance of the heaped & heapless implementations in this crate as well as coap_lite::Packet.

In general, toad_msg::VecMessage performs identically to coap_lite (+/- 5%), and both are much faster than toad_msg::ArrayVecMessage.


Serializing to bytes

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Deserializing from bytes

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Message Code
Message ID
Message Options
Message parsing errors
Message Token
Message Type
Message Version


CoAP Code Registries
Iterator yielded by EnumerateOptNumbers, wrapping an Iterator over Opts.
Message ID
Message struct
The “Option Delta” is the difference between this Option’s Number and the previous Option’s number.
Option Numbers
Option Value Formats
Payloads and Representations
Version of the CoAP protocol that the message adheres to.


Whether a code is for a request, response, or empty message
Errors encounterable while parsing a message from bytes
Errors encounterable while parsing an option from bytes
Indicates if this message is of type Confirmable (0), Non-confirmable (1), Acknowledgement (2), or Reset (3).
Proxy Unsafe or Safe-to-Forward and NoCacheKey
Proxy Unsafe or Safe-to-Forward and NoCacheKey


Creates an iterator which gives the current opt’s number as well as the option.
Trait for converting a sequence of bytes into some data structure
Trait allowing fallible conversion into bytes

Type Definitions

Message that uses static fixed-capacity stack-allocating byte buffers
Message that uses Vec byte buffers