timi 0.1.0

A visual template instantiation machine interpreter to understand how lazy functional programming languages evaluate
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TIMi - Template Instantiation Machine Interpreter

A visual, user-friendly implementation of a template instantiation machine to understand how a lazily evaluated functional programming language is evaluated.

Example run of template instantiation machine Run

Table of Contents


Language Introduction



  • Mark 1 (template instantiation)
  • let, letrec
  • template updates (do not stupidly instatiate each time)
  • numeric functions
  • Booleans
  • Tuples
  • Lists
  • nicer interface for stepping through execution
  • write higher order functions in Rust to help with implementing structured data
  • Rust docs for Supercombinator
  • Rust docs for Update
  • Rust docs for Primitive

Design Decisions

TIM is written in Rust because:

  • Rust is a systems language, so it'll hopefully be faster than an implementation in Haskell
  • Rust is strict, which means that implementing certain things like letrec needs some more elbow grease
  • Rust has nice libraries (and a slick stdlib) that let you write safe and pretty code
Why does peek() return PeekNoToken instead of error?

in a lot of the parsing, we usually check if the next token is something. if it isn't, we just return immediately.

Semantically, it makes sense, since you're just "peeking" at the next token, so we can signal that there is no token by returning a sentinel token.

try!(cursor.peek()) causes us to lose control flow and propogate an error if we peek at something that doesn't exist, which is the wrong semantics. We want the user to be able to peek and make decisions based on whether something is present ahead or not. consume() and expect() should return errors since you're asking the cursor to go one token ahead.

Stuff I learnt

Difference between [..] and &[..]

Slice without ref versus Slice with ref

the difference is that the second slice is being taken inside tokenize, which somehow maintains length info (which is needed for [..] (since [..] means that you know the number of elements in it).

So, when it is outside, you need to take a slice &[..], so that Sized information is not needed
