Module timely::dataflow::operators

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Extension traits for Stream implementing various operators.

A collection of functions taking typed Stream objects as input and producing new Stream objects as output. Many of the operators provide simple, composable functionality. Some of the operators are more complicated, for use with advanced timely dataflow features.

The Operator trait provides general operators whose behavior can be supplied using closures accepting input and output handles. Most of the operators in this module are defined using these two general operators.


pub use self::enterleave::Enter;
pub use self::enterleave::EnterAt;
pub use self::enterleave::Leave;
pub use self::input::Input;
pub use self::unordered_input::UnorderedInput;
pub use self::feedback::Feedback;
pub use self::feedback::LoopVariable;
pub use self::feedback::ConnectLoop;
pub use self::concat::Concat;
pub use self::concat::Concatenate;
pub use self::partition::Partition;
pub use self::map::Map;
pub use self::inspect::Inspect;
pub use self::filter::Filter;
pub use self::delay::Delay;
pub use self::exchange::Exchange;
pub use self::broadcast::Broadcast;
pub use self::probe::Probe;
pub use self::to_stream::ToStream;
pub use self::capture::Capture;
pub use self::branch::Branch;
pub use self::branch::BranchWhen;
pub use self::generic::Operator;
pub use self::reclock::Reclock;
pub use self::count::Accumulate;


Aggregation operators of various flavors
Operators that separate one stream into two streams based on some condition
Broadcast records to all workers.
Operators to capture and replay timely dataflow streams.
Merges the contents of multiple streams.
Counts the number of records at each time.
Operators acting on timestamps to logically delay records
Extension traits to move a Stream between an outer Scope and inner Scope.
Exchange records between workers.
Create cycles in a timely dataflow graph.
Filters a stream by a predicate.
Methods to construct flow-controlled sources.
Generic operators defined by user-provided closures.
Create new Streams connected to external inputs.
Extension trait and implementation for observing and action on streamed data.
Extension methods for Stream based on record-by-record transformation.
Partition a stream of records into multiple streams.
Monitor progress at a Stream.
Extension methods for Stream based on record-by-record transformation.
Conversion to the Stream type from iterators.
Create new Streams connected to external inputs.


The capability to send data with a certain timestamp on a dataflow edge.
An unowned capability, which can be used but not retained.
A set of capabilities, for possibly incomparable times.
Tracks requests for notification and delivers available notifications.
Tracks requests for notification and delivers available notifications.