tide-tera 0.1.0

Use tera templates on tide
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Tide-Tera Integration

This crate exposes an extension trait that adds two functions to tera::Tera: render_response and render_body. It also adds a convenience context macro for creating ad-hoc tera Contexts.

use tera::Tera;
use tide_tera::prelude::*;

async fn main() -> tide::Result<()> {

    let mut tera = Tera::new("examples/templates/**/*")?;

    let mut app = tide::with_state(tera);

    app.at("/:name").get(|req: tide::Request<Tera>| async move {
        let tera = req.state();
        let name: String = req.param("name")?;
        tera.render_response("hello.html", &context! { "name" => name })

