Crate tiberius[][src]

An asynchronous, runtime-independent, pure-rust Tabular Data Stream (TDS) implementation for Microsoft SQL Server.

Connecting with async-std

Being not bound to any single runtime, a TcpStream must be created separately and injected to the Client.

use tiberius::{Client, Config, AuthMethod};
use async_std::net::TcpStream;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // Using the builder method to construct the options.
    let mut config = Config::new();"localhost");

    // Using SQL Server authentication.
    config.authentication(AuthMethod::sql_server("SA", "<password>"));

    // Taking the address from the configuration, using async-std's
    // TcpStream to connect to the server.
    let tcp = TcpStream::connect(config.get_addr()).await?;
    // We'll disable the Nagle algorithm. Buffering is handled
    // internally with a `Sink`.

    // Handling TLS, login and other details related to the SQL Server.
    let mut client = Client::connect(config, tcp).await?;

    // A response to a query is a stream of data, that must be
    // polled to the end before querying again. Using streams allows
    // fetching data in an asynchronous manner, if needed.
    let mut stream = client.query("SELECT @P1", &[&-4i32]).await?;

    // As long as the `next_resultset` returns true, the stream has
    // more results and can be polled. For each result set, the stream
    // returns rows until the end of that result. In a case where
    // `next_resultset` is true, polling again will return rows from
    // the next query.
    // In this case, we know we have only one query, returning one row
    // and one column, so calling `into_row` will consume the stream
    // and return us the first row of the first result.
    let row = stream.into_row().await?;
    assert_eq!(Some(-4i32), row.unwrap().get(0));


Connecting with Tokio

Tokio is using their own version of AsyncRead and AsyncWrite traits, meaning that when wanting to use Tiberius with Tokio, their TcpStream needs to be wrapped in Tokio’s Compat module.

use tiberius::{Client, Config, AuthMethod};
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_util::compat::TokioAsyncWriteCompatExt;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut config = Config::new();
    config.authentication(AuthMethod::sql_server("SA", "<password>"));

    let tcp = TcpStream::connect(config.get_addr()).await?;

    // To be able to use Tokio's tcp, we're using the `compat_write` from
    // the `TokioAsyncWriteCompatExt` to get a stream compatible with the
    // traits from the `futures` crate.
    let mut client = Client::connect(config, tcp.compat_write()).await?;



Tiberius supports different ways of authentication to the SQL Server:

  • SQL Server authentication uses the facilities of the database to authenticate the user.
  • On Windows, you can authenticate using the currently logged in user or specified Windows credentials.
  • If enabling the integrated-auth-gssapi feature, it is possible to login with the currently active Kerberos credentials.


When compiled using the default features, a TLS encryption will be available and by default, used for all traffic. TLS is handled with the given TcpStream. Please see the documentation for EncryptionLevel for details.

SQL Browser

On Windows platforms, connecting to the SQL Server might require going through the SQL Browser service to get the correct port for the named instance. This feature requires either the sql-browser-async-std or sql-browser-tokio feature flag to be enabled and has a bit different way of connecting:

use tiberius::{Client, Config, AuthMethod};
use async_std::net::TcpStream;

// An extra trait that allows connecting to a named instance with the given
// `TcpStream`.
use tiberius::SqlBrowser;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut config = Config::new();

    config.authentication(AuthMethod::sql_server("SA", "<password>"));"localhost");
    // The default port of SQL Browser
    // The name of the database server instance.

    // This will create a new `TcpStream` from `async-std`, connected to the
    // right port of the named instance.
    let tcp = TcpStream::connect_named(&config).await?;

    // And from here on continue the connection process in a normal way.
    let mut client = Client::connect(config, tcp).await?;

Other features

  • If using an ADO.NET connection string, it is possible to create a Config from one. Please see the documentation for from_ado_string for details.
  • If wanting to use Tiberius with SQL Server version 2005, one must disable the tds73 feature.



Error module


Representations of numeric types.


Date and time handling.


The XML containers



Client is the main entry point to the SQL Server, providing query execution capabilities.


A column of data from a query.


The Config struct contains all configuration information required for connecting to the database with a Client. It also provides the server address when connecting to a TcpStream via the get_addr method.


A result from a query execution, listing the number of affected rows.


A set of Streams of Rows resulting from a SELECT query. The QueryResult needs to be polled empty before sending another query to the Client, failing to do so causes a flush before the next query, slowing it down in an undeterministic way.


A row of data from a query.


A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).



Defines the method of authentication to the server.


A container of a value that can be represented as a TDS value.


The type of the column.


The configured encryption level specifying if encryption is required



A conversion trait from a TDS type by-reference.


A conversion trait from a TDS type by-value.


A by-value conversion trait to a TDS type.


An extension trait to a TcpStream to find a port and connecting to a named database instance.


A conversion trait to a TDS type.

Type Definitions


An alias for a result that holds crate’s error type as the error.