tiberius 0.2.1

A TDS (MSSQL) driver


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A native TDS (MSSQL) 7.4 driver for Rust


This is the new async rewrite, please check the documentation above for any examples.

For installing please don't forget the following things:

Enable TCP for SQL Server

As of now only TCP is supported, which is disabled by default.
Make sure to enable TCP in your MSSQL settings.

a) Make sure to use a trusted certificate

Make sure the certificate your using is trusted by your local machine.
To create a self-signed certificate that is trusted you can use the following powershell:

$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName $serverName,localhost -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My
$rootStore = Get-Item cert:\LocalMachine\Root

You also have to change the certificate in the SQL Server settings.

b) Alternatively: Disable Encryption for LOCALHOST

For a connection to localhost, which will never leave your machine, it's safe to disable encryption. Currently this is only possible by doing someting like the following in your cargo.toml:

tiberius = { version = "0.X", default-features=false,features=["chrono"] }

This will disable encryption for your ENTIRE crate
In the future it will be possible to disable certificate validation by using TrustServerCertificate in your connection string. This unfortunately isn't implementable without support in the underlying libraries.

SQL Type Mappings

Any nullable type should be accessed as Option<T> where T is any Rust Type listed below. This table unfortunately still is very incomplete, if you have a question about a specific type please create an issue, which will make this table grow.

SQL Type Rust Type Feature
NVARCHAR, BigVarChar &str
uniqueidentifier tiberius::ty::Guid
DATETIME tiberius::ty::DateTime
DATETIME2 tiberius::ty::DateTime2
DATETIME,DATETIME2 chrono::NaiveDatetime chrono

Support for versions below 7.4 (to 7.2 so that everything >= SQL Server 2008 works) is desired.

Old State (v0.1)

The old state can be found in the "old" branch (click me)