[][src]Crate tia


tia; trait, impl accessors | automatic

This is a syntax sugar proc-macro crate for trait, impl accessors patterns. tia generate to an accessor impls of an indivisual traits for any struct|enun|unions.

Basic Example


tia = "*"


use tia::Tia;  // 1. use

#[derive(Tia)] // 2. derive
#[tia(rg)]     // 3. tia directives
struct MyStruct
 foo: i32,
 bar: String

fn main()
 let mys = MyStruct{ foo: 123, bar: "Hello".into() };
 let foo = mys.get_foo(); // <-- 4. !! generated by tia automatically !!
 let bar = mys.get_bar(); // <-- 5. !! generated by tia automatically !!
 println!("foo={} bar={}", foo, bar );

cargo run:

foo=123 bar=Hello

with traits;

use tia::Tia;

trait FooGettable<T>{ fn get_foo(&self) -> T; }
trait Fruit{ fn get_bar(&self) -> &String; }
trait Sushi{ fn tuna(&self) -> u8; fn avocado(&mut self, v: u8); }

#[derive(Tia, Debug, Default)] // derive
struct MyStruct
 #[tia(s, "FooGettable<i32>", g)]
 foo: i32,
 bar: String,
 #[tia("Sushi",g*="tuna",s*="avocado")] // <- `g` and `s`: Sushi trait
 baz: u8

/// Build ok = Test ok
fn main()
 let mut mys = MyStruct::default();
 let foo_gettable = &mys as &dyn FooGettable<i32>;
 let fruit = &mys as &dyn Fruit;
 println!("{}, {}", foo_gettable.get_foo(), fruit.get_bar() );
 let sushi = &mut mys as &mut dyn Sushi;
 println!("{}", sushi.tuna());

cargo run:

123, meow

More details and examples are exists in the README.md and examples/ and tests/.

Derive Macros
