the-way 0.3.1

A code snippets manager for your terminal
the-way-0.3.1 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: the-way-0.20.3 Build Status

The Way (the-way)

A code snippets manager for your terminal.

Record and retrieve snippets you use every day, or once in a blue moon, without having to spin up a browser. Just call the-way new to add a snippet with a description, a language, and some tags attached. the-way search fuzzy searches your snippets library (with optional filters on language and tags) and lets you copy a particular snippet to your clipboard, so you can paste it into whatever editor or IDE you're working with.

See it in action (with some self-referential examples):


made with Terminalizer



See the releases

  • OSX - allow the-way via System Preferences (necessary in Catalina at least)
  • Linux - chmod +x the-way

With cargo

cargo install the-way

Currently doesn't work on Windows (waiting on this issue)

Make shell completions:

the-way complete zsh > .oh_my_zsh/completions/_the-way
exec zsh

Syntax highlighting themes

Theme files need to be in Sublime's .tmTheme format. Searching GitHub for .tmTheme pulls up some examples. Use the-way themes add <theme.tmTheme> to add a new theme to your themes folder, and then the-way themes set <theme> to make it your default. the-way themes list shows all available themes.


  • Recognizes language extension to enable syntax highlighting in $EDITOR (if the editor supports it)
  • Configurable syntax highlighting themes for display via the-way themes
  • Import/export to JSON
  • Shell completion
  • Language and code statistics

Why "The Way"?

The name is a reference to the Way of Mrs.Cosmopilite, kōans for every situation.