Module thcon::app::vscode[][src]

Switches between Visual Studio Code themes

Usage: Windows & macOS

Since version 1.42, Visual Studio Code can listen to Windows and macOS color scheme changes and switch to a matching theme. It’s recommended for use on those platforms.

Usage: Linux & BSD

Visual Studio Code doesn’t support OS synchronization on Linux and non-Apple BSDs, so thcon is the recommended method. Visual Studio Code monitors its settings.json file for changes while it’s running. Because that settings.json file can include comments, the simplest way to preserve existing whitespace and comments is by looking for a magic comment annotating the workbench.colorTheme setting.

In your settings.json, mark the workspace.colorTheme line so thcon can find it:

  // ... other settings

  "workbench.colorTheme": "" // thcon:replace-line

In your thcon.toml, define light and dark themes:

dark = "Default Dark+"   # the default dark theme
light = "Default Light+" # the default light theme

# optionally, tell thcon where your settings.json is stored
config = "/path/to/settings.json"

thcon.toml Schema

Section: vscode

darkstringThe theme to use in dark mode(none)
lightstringThe theme to use in light mode(none)
configstringAbsolute path to your settings.json file~/.config/Code/User/settings.json

