Crate tfrecord[][src]

Expand description

The crate provides the functionality to serialize and deserialize TFRecord data format from TensorFlow.

The crate provides several cargo features that you can conditionally compile modules.

Optional features:

  • full: Enable all features.
  • async_: Enable async/await feature.
  • dataset: Enable the dataset API.
  • summary: Enable the summary and event API, which is mainly targeted for TensorBoard.

Third-party supports:

  • with-serde: Enable interoperability with serde to serialize and deserialize example types.
  • with-tch: Enable tch types support.
  • with-image: Enable image types support.
  • with-ndarray: Enable ndarray types support.


pub use error::Error;
pub use markers::GenericRecord;
pub use markers::HistogramProtoElement;
pub use markers::TensorProtoElement;
pub use protos::Event;
pub use protos::Example as RawExample;
pub use protos::Summary;
pub use reader::BytesReader;
pub use reader::EventReader;
pub use reader::ExampleReader;
pub use reader::RawExampleReader;
pub use types::Example;
pub use types::Feature;
pub use writer::BytesWriter;
pub use writer::ExampleWriter;
pub use writer::RawExampleWriter;
pub use writer::RecordWriter;
pub use writer::RecordWriterInit;
pub use dataset::Dataset;
pub use dataset::DatasetInit;


The dataset API that accesses multiple TFRecord files.

Error types and error handling utilities.

Low level synchronous and asynchronous I/O functions.

Marker traits.

ProtocolBuffer types compiled from TensorFlow.

Reading TFRecord data format.

Types of summaries and events and writers for TensorBoard.

High level example, feature and many other types.

Writing TFRecord data format.


A Event initializer.

The event writer type.

The event writer initializer.

Concurrent histogram data structure.

The generic reader type.

The reader initializer.

The stream initializer.

A Summary initializer.