text_placeholder 0.2.0

A flexible text template engine

Text Placeholder

A flexible text template engine that allows templates with named placeholders within it.

Placeholders are defined by default following the handlebars syntax, but can be overriden with specific boundaries.

In order to provide the context in which our placeholders will be replaced the following options are available:

  • Provide a HashMap and use fill_with_hashmap or fill_with_hashmap_strict
  • Provide a Struct and use fill_with_struct or fill_with_struct_strict
    • :warning: This is an optional feature that depends on serde and serde_json :warning:


use text_placeholder::Template;
use std::collections::HashMap;

let default_template = Template::new("Hello {{first}} {{second}}!");

let mut table = HashMap::new();
table.insert("first", "text");
table.insert("second", "placeholder");

assert_eq!(default_template.fill_with_hashmap(&table), "Hello text placeholder!");

// We can also specify our own boundaries:

let custom_template = Template::new_with_placeholder("Hello $[first]] $[second]!", "$[", "]");

assert_eq!(default_template.fill_with_hashmap(&table), "Hello text placeholder!");


  • Allow objects that implement trait std::ops::Index instead of depending on a HashMap.

This project is inspired by the awesome text-template repository.