tether 0.1.1

Extremely simple bindings to an OS web view.
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Cargo Documentation

Extremely simple bindings to the OS' web view, for anyone who wants to make a GUI application in Rust.

Getting Started

There's no getting started guide, but it'd be nice if you made one!

The API surface is tiny, so reading an example and maybe the documentation is the way to go.

Usage on Windows

You need to add #![windows_subsystem = "windows"] to the top of your main.rs, like in the minimal example. This tells Windows that you don't want a console window. You also have to run the executable in the UWP sandbox, or it'll stack overflow. The simplest way to do this is to make an app manifest, making sure to add appropriate permissions, and run the following script after a build:

powershell add-appxpackage -register AppxManifest.xml

Finally, you need to use the MSVC compiler that comes with Visual Studio, because MinGW doesn't support C++/CX. Visual Studio also comes with a few different command prompts, so make sure you use the right one when compiling.

Platform Information

Operating System Library
Windows UWP
macOS WebKit
Anything Else Webkit2GTK