Function tencent_scf::start[][src]

pub fn start<Event, Response, Error, ConvertEventError, ConvertResponseError, Function>(
    f: Function
) where
    Function: ServerlessComputeFunction<Event = Event, Response = Response, Error = Error> + RefUnwindSafe,
    Event: FromReader<Error = ConvertEventError>,
    Response: IntoBytes<Error = ConvertResponseError>,
    Error: Display,
    ConvertEventError: Display,
    ConvertResponseError: Display

Start the runtime with the given serverless compute function.

Typically this should be the last call in the main function.


The runtime will panic if any of the following happens:

  • Fail to initialize, for example, expected environment vairable not found.
  • Fail to communicate to upstream cloud.
  • Receive malformed response from upstream cloud.

The runtime will not panic if the serverless compute function panics. Instead, the panic will be captured and properly sent to the upstream cloud. The runtime may not be able to capture all kinds of panic, see std::panic::catch_unwind for more information.


use std::convert::Infallible;

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tencent_scf::{convert::AsJson, make_scf, start, Context};

// define a custom event
struct CustomEvent {
    a: i32,
    b: i32,

// mark the custom event as json for auto deserialization
impl AsJson for CustomEvent {}

// define a custom response
struct CustomResponse {
    a_plus_b: i32,

// mark the custom response as json for auto serialization
impl AsJson for CustomResponse {}

fn main() {
    // make the scf
    let scf = make_scf(
        |event: CustomEvent, _context: Context| -> Result<CustomResponse, Infallible> {
            Ok(CustomResponse {
                a_plus_b: event.a + event.b,
    // start the runtime in the main function