Expand description

A templating library like handle_bars or gtmpl (go templates) with a efew extra features.

  • Closures as helper funtions. (The reason I built this)
  • Multiple parameters to templates and sub templates.

This library primarily exists to support the “Siter” static website generator, which uses templates for all content.

use templito::*;
use std::str::FromStr;
// get template somehow
let tp = r#"
    {{for k v in $1}}\
        <p>{{$k}} = {{$v}}</p>
    {{#Get a list member by reference#}}\
    {{#Or Even Markdown on a templatable block#}}\
* {{$1.0}}
* {{$1.2}}

// The function manager can be build separately to a the FuncMan trait
let fm = func_man::default_func_man();

// The Template manager will normally search for and load templates
// on request. Which is why it must be mutable.
// NoTemplates will always return an Err.
let mut tm = temp_man::NoTemplates;

//Vec<&str> implements TParam so it can be sent as a parameter
let animals = vec!["cat","dog","fish"];

//so does &str
let data:Vec<&dyn TParam> = vec![&"hello", &animals];

let tp = TreeTemplate::from_str(tp).unwrap();

let s = tp.run(&data,&mut tm,&fm).unwrap();
    <p>0 = cat</p>
    <p>1 = dog</p>
    <p>2 = fish</p>


The Default Func manager provides functions for strings, maths, bools and paths.

But new functions are relatively easy to add. once you understand how the underlying structures work.

“TData” Is the main enum that holds the possible types for passing around, including String, Bool, Int, Uint,Float,Map<String,TData>,List

“TCow” Is a Borrow/Concrete type allowing types that can return a borrow to do so. While those that must create their responce to do that too. This means big lists and complex types can avoid being copied in many places.

Helper Functions have to follow one of the following signatures:

type TFunc = dyn Fn(&[TCow<'a>]) -> Result<TCow<'a>>;
type TFn = fn'a(_: &[TCow<'a>]) -> Result<TCow<'a>>;

and can be added to BasicFuncs using


pub use template::TreeTemplate;
pub use funcs::WithFuncs;
pub use tdata::TData;
pub use tparam::TParam;
pub use tparam::KV;


The section about making providing functions for the templates