td_rredis 0.1.0

redis wrapper for Rust, support cluster failed to build td_rredis-0.1.0
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Visit the last successful build: td_rredis-0.1.3


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td_rredis is a high level redis library and support cluster for Rust. It provides convenient access to all Redis functionality through a very flexible but low-level API. It uses a customizable type conversion trait so that any operation can return results in just the type you are expecting. This makes for a very pleasant development experience. if you redis in cluster, it will auto find new server, and get the data right in the server.

Basic Operation

To open a connection you need to create a cluster and then to fetch a connection from it. In the future there will be a connection pool for those, currently each connection is separate and not pooled.

Many commands are implemented through the Commands trait but manual command creation is also possible.

if you deploy the redis cluster on, you can add, it will discover other server

extern crate td_rredis as redis;

fn test_cluster() {
    let mut cluster = redis::Cluster::new();
    for i in 7000 .. 7001 {
        cluster.add(&format!("redis://{}/", i)[..]).unwrap();    

    let _ : () = redis::cmd("set").arg("xxoo1").arg("ooxx").query_cluster(&mut cluster).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(redis::cmd("get").arg("xxoo1").query_cluster(&mut cluster), Ok("ooxx".to_string()));