tantivy-jieba 0.1.1

A library that bridges between tantivy and jieba-rs
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An adapter that bridges between tantivy and jieba-rs.


Add dependency tantivy-jieba to your Cargo.toml.


use tantivy::tokenizer::*;
let tokenizer = tantivy_jieba::JiebaTokenizer {};
let mut token_stream = tokenizer.token_stream("测试");
assert_eq!(token_stream.next().unwrap().text, "测试");

Register tantivy tokenizer

use tantivy::schema::Schema;
use tantivy::tokenizer::*;
use tantivy::Index;
let tokenizer = tantivy_jieba::JiebaTokenizer {};
let index = Index::create_in_ram(schema);
     .register("jieba", tokenizer);