tagger 0.6.0

Write SVG / HTML / XML programmatically


Build xml / html / svg programatically using element building blocks. Instead of using a templating engine, write data/markup that 'looks like' rust.

Find it on github and crates.io.


Tagger aims to be memory efficient. Instead of constructing a nested structure of tags in memory and then have it be written out, Tagger will write out the elements to a fmt::Write object on the fly.

Tagger aims to guarantee correct writing of elements at compile time. At compile time, Tagger ensures that every tag has zero or more attributes, and that every tag that needs an ending tag, has one. This is achieved by nesting closures. That said this isn't 100% true. The user is allowed to write arbitrary data inside of any element, so it is possible that the user might insert tags that disrupt this guarantee. However, assuming the user doesn't manually write their own <tags> then there is this guarantee.


use tagger::prelude::*;
fn main() -> core::fmt::Result {
    let width = 100.0;
    let height = 100.0;

    let mut root = tagger::Element::new(tagger::upgrade(std::io::stdout()));

    root.elem("svg", |header| {
        let svg = header.write(|b| {
            b.attr("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg")?
                .with_attr("viewBox", wr!("0 0 {} {}", width, height))

        svg.single("rect", |w| {
            w.attr("x1", 0)?
                .attr("y1", 0)?
                .attr("rx", 20)?
                .attr("ry", 20)?
                .attr("width", width)?
                .attr("height", height)?
                .attr("style", "fill:blue")

        //Add styling for test class.
        svg.elem_no_attr("style", |style| {
            write_ret!(style, "{}", ".test{fill:none;stroke:white;stroke-width:3}")

        //Draw some circles
        svg.elem("g", |header| {
            let g = header.write(|w| w.attr("class", "test"))?;
            for r in (0..50).step_by(10) {
                g.single("circle", |w| {
                    w.attr("cx", 50.0)?.attr("cy", 50.0)?.attr("r", r)

