Module system_configuration_sys::dynamic_store [] [src]



@typedef SCDynamicStoreContext Structure containing user-specified data and callbacks for an SCDynamicStore session. @field version The version number of the structure type being passed in as a parameter to the SCDynamicStore creation function. This structure is version 0. @field info A C pointer to a user-specified block of data. @field retain The callback used to add a retain for the info field. If this parameter is not a pointer to a function of the correct prototype, the behavior is undefined. The value may be NULL. @field release The calllback used to remove a retain previously added for the info field. If this parameter is not a pointer to a function of the correct prototype, the behavior is undefined. The value may be NULL. @field copyDescription The callback used to provide a description of the info field.






@function SCDynamicStoreAddTemporaryValue @discussion Temporarily adds the key-value pair to the dynamic store if no such key already exists. Unless the key is updated by another session, the key-value pair will be removed automatically when the session is closed. @param store The dynamic store session. @param key The key of the value to add to the dynamic store. @param value The value to add to the dynamic store. @result Returns TRUE if the key was added; FALSE if the key was already present in the dynamic store or if an error was encountered.


@function SCDynamicStoreAddValue @discussion Adds the key-value pair to the dynamic store if no such key already exists. @param store The dynamic store session. @param key The key of the value to add to the dynamic store. @param value The value to add to the dynamic store. @result Returns TRUE if the key was added; FALSE if the key was already present in the dynamic store or if an error was encountered.


@function SCDynamicStoreCopyKeyList @discussion Returns an array of CFString keys representing the current dynamic store entries that match a specified pattern. @param store The dynamic store session. @param pattern A regex(3) regular expression pattern used to match the dynamic store keys. @result Returns the list of matching keys; NULL if an error was encountered. You must release the returned value.


@function SCDynamicStoreCopyMultiple @discussion Gets the values of multiple keys in the dynamic store. @param store The dynamic store session. @param keys The keys associated with the values you want to get; NULL if no specific keys are requested. @param patterns An array of regex(3) pattern strings used to match the keys; NULL if no key patterns are requested. @result Returns a dictionary containing the key-value pairs of specific keys and the key-value pairs of keys that matched the specified patterns; NULL if an error was encountered. You must release the returned value.


@function SCDynamicStoreCopyNotifiedKeys @discussion Returns an array of CFString keys representing the dynamic store entries that have changed since this function was last called. If possible, your application should use the notification functions instead of polling for the list of changed keys returned by this function. @param store The dynamic store session. @result Returns the list of changed keys; NULL if an error was encountered. You must release the returned value.


@function SCDynamicStoreCopyValue @discussion Gets the value of the specified key from the dynamic store. @param store The dynamic store session. @param key The key associated with the value you want to get. @result Returns the value from the dynamic store that is associated with the given key; NULL if no value was located or an error was encountered. You must release the returned value.


@function SCDynamicStoreCreate @discussion Creates a new session used to interact with the dynamic store maintained by the System Configuration server. @param allocator The CFAllocator that should be used to allocate memory for the local dynamic store object. This parameter may be NULL in which case the current default CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined. @param name A string that describes the name of the calling process or plug-in of the caller. @param callout The function to be called when a watched value in the dynamic store is changed. A NULL value can be specified if no callouts are desired. @param context The SCDynamicStoreContext associated with the callout. @result Returns a reference to the new SCDynamicStore session. You must release the returned value.


@function SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource @discussion Creates a CFRunLoopSource object that can be added to the application's run loop. All dynamic store notifications are delivered using this run loop source. @param allocator The CFAllocator that should be used to allocate memory for this run loop source. This parameter may be NULL in which case the current default CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined. @param store A reference to the dynamic store session. @param order On platforms which support it, for source versions which support it, this parameter determines the order in which the sources which are ready to be processed are handled. A lower order number causes processing before higher order number sources. It is inadvisable to depend on the order number for any architectural or design aspect of code. In the absence of any reason to do otherwise, zero should be used. @result A reference to the new CFRunLoopSource. You must release the returned value.


@function SCDynamicStoreCreateWithOptions @discussion Creates a new session used to interact with the dynamic store maintained by the System Configuration server. @param allocator The CFAllocator that should be used to allocate memory for the local dynamic store object. This parameter may be NULL in which case the current default CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined. @param name A string that describes the name of the calling process or plug-in of the caller. @param storeOptions A CFDictionary containing options for the dynamic store session (such as whether all keys added or set into the dynamic store should be per-session keys).


@function SCDynamicStoreGetTypeID @discussion Returns the type identifier of all SCDynamicStore instances.


@function SCDynamicStoreNotifyValue @discussion Triggers a notification to be delivered for the specified key in the dynamic store. @param store The dynamic store session. @param key The key that should be flagged as changed. Any dynamic store sessions that are monitoring this key will received a notification. Note that the key's value is not updated. @result Returns TRUE if the notification was processed; FALSE if an error was encountered.


@function SCDynamicStoreRemoveValue @discussion Removes the value of the specified key from the dynamic store. @param store The dynamic store session. @param key The key of the value you want to remove. @result Returns TRUE if the key was removed; FALSE if no value was located or an error was encountered.


@function SCDynamicStoreSetDispatchQueue @discussion Initiates notifications for the Notification Keys in store to the callback contained in store. @param store A reference to the dynamic store session. @param queue The dispatch queue to run the callback function on. Pass NULL to disable notifications, and release the queue. @result Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


@function SCDynamicStoreSetMultiple @discussion Updates multiple values in the dynamic store. @param store The dynamic store session. @param keysToSet A dictionary of key-value pairs you want to set into the dynamic store. @param keysToRemove An array of keys you want to remove from the dynamic store. @param keysToNotify An array of keys to flag as changed (without changing their values). @result Returns TRUE if the dynamic store updates were successful; FALSE if an error was encountered.


@function SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys @discussion Specifies a set of specific keys and key patterns that should be monitored for changes. @param store The dynamic store session being watched. @param keys An array of keys to be monitored; NULL if no specific keys are to be monitored. @param patterns An array of regex(3) pattern strings used to match keys to be monitored; NULL if no key patterns are to be monitored. @result Returns TRUE if the set of notification keys and patterns was successfully updated; FALSE if an error was encountered.


@function SCDynamicStoreSetValue @discussion Adds or replaces a value in the dynamic store for the specified key. @param store The dynamic store session. @param key The key you want to set. @param value The value to add to or replace in the dynamic store. @result Returns TRUE if the key was updated; FALSE if an error was encountered.

Type Definitions


@typedef SCDynamicStoreCallBack @discussion Type of callback function used when notification of changes to the dynamic store is delivered. @param store The dynamic store session. @param changedKeys The list of changed keys.


@typedef SCDynamicStoreRef @discussion This is the handle to an open a dynamic store session with the system configuration daemon.


This is a temporary solution.