synthax 0.4.1

Synthesize syntax with quasiquoting plugins.
Build #43784 2017-03-08T22:17:16.632305+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.17.0-nightly (0f34b532a 2017-02-21)
# version
cratesfyi 0.3.1 (35080d4 2017-01-24)

# build log
Updating registry ``
Downloading synthax v0.4.1
Documenting synthax v0.4.1
Running `rustdoc --crate-name synthax .cargo/registry/src/ -o /home/cratesfyi/synthax-0.4.1/doc -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/synthax-0.4.1/debug/deps`
error[E0004]: non-exhaustive patterns: `Sequence(_, _)` not covered
--> .cargo/registry/src/
237 |     let (variant, argument) = match *tt {
|                                     ^^^ pattern `Sequence(_, _)` not covered

error: aborting due to previous error

thread 'main' panicked at 'ChainedError {
error: Could not document `synthax`.,
cause: process didn't exit successfully: `rustdoc --crate-name synthax .cargo/registry/src/ -o /home/cratesfyi/synthax-0.4.1/doc -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/synthax-0.4.1/debug/deps` (exit code: 101)
}', src/bin/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.