initSidebarItems({"enum":[["LoadingError","Common error type used by syntax and theme loading"]],"mod":[["dumps","Methods for dumping serializable structs to a compressed binary format These are used to load and store the dumps used for fast startup times."],["easy","API wrappers for common use cases like highlighting strings and files without caring about intermediate semantic representation and caching."],["highlighting","Everything having to do with turning parsed text into styled text. You might want to check out `Theme` for its handy text-editor related settings like selection colour, `ThemeSet` for loading themes, as well as things starting with `Highlight` for how to highlight text."],["html","Rendering highlighted code as HTML+CSS"],["parsing","Everything about parsing text into text annotated with scopes. The most important struct here is `SyntaxSet`, check out the docs for that."],["util","Convenient utility methods, mostly for printing `syntect` data structures prettily to the terminal."]]});