Module symtern::adaptors [] [src]

Interner Adaptors

Each type in this module provides some additional functionality beyond that of Symtern's basic interner.

Adaptors are wrapper types, i.e. they "wrap" another interner type, taking it as a generic parameter.

use symtern::{Pool, Sym};
use symtern::adaptors::{Inline, InlineSym};

type MyPool = Inline<Pool<str,u32>>;
type MySym = InlineSym<Sym<u32>>;

Losing symbols

If you construct an adaptor from an existing interner, you will lose access to all previously-created symbols:

use symtern::prelude::*;
use symtern::Pool;
use symtern::adaptors::Inline;

// Once we've constructed an adaptor from an existing pool, we _cannot_
// resolve previously-created symbols:
let mut basic_pool = Pool::<str,u64>::new();
let some_sym = basic_pool.intern("Mornin'!").expect("interning failed");
// After we've created `inline_pool`, consuming `basic_pool`...
let mut inline_pool = Inline::from(basic_pool);
// ...we won't be able to resolve `some_sym` because its type is
// incompatible with the inline pool's `resolve` method!
println!("{}", inline_pool.resolve(&some_sym).expect("resolution failed")); //~ ERROR mismatched types [E0308]


By wrapping your Pool<str, _> type in the Inline adaptor, you can create an interner optimized for short strings. When input strings are under a certain length, this adaptor will store them directly in the returned symbols — entirely bypassing the wrapped interner. If you expect to be working with many short strings, it may perform better than the basic interner.

use symtern::prelude::*;
use symtern::adaptors::Inline;
use symtern::Pool;

let mut pool = Inline::from(Pool::<str,u64>::new());

if let (Ok(hello), Ok(world)) = (pool.intern("Hello"), pool.intern("World")) {
    assert!(hello != world);

    // Since both "hello" and "world" are smaller than the pool's
    // symbol representation (u64), neither symbol takes up any space
    // in the pool.


The Luma adaptor uses interior mutability via RefCell to allow its symbols to carry a lifetime parameter, which is used to prevent the pool from being dropped while it is in use.

For example, the following code will not compile because it attempts to return a symbol from a temporary Luma-wrapped interner.

//` id="example" {
use symtern::prelude::*;
use symtern::{Pool as Basic, Sym};
use symtern::adaptors::{Luma, LumaSym};

type Pool = Luma<Basic<str, u32>>;

/// Return a Sym from a temporary Luma-wrapped interner.  This causes a compile
/// error because the interner, which is dropped at the end of the function, is
/// referenced by the returned symbol.
fn make_sym<'a>(s: &str) -> <&'a Pool as symtern::traits::Intern>::Output {
    Pool::new().intern(s).unwrap() //~ ERROR borrowed value does not live long enough
//` }



Interner adaptor optimized for short strings.


Symbol type used by the Inline adaptor.


"Lifetime-safe" interner adaptor.


Symbol type used by the Luma adaptor.