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The pdb create parses Microsoft PDB (Program Database) files. PDB files contain debugging information produced by most compilers that target Windows, including information about symbols, types, modules, and so on.


PDB files are accessed via the pdb::PDB object.


let file = std::fs::File::open("fixtures/self/foo.pdb")?;
let mut pdb = pdb::PDB::open(file)?;

let symbol_table = pdb.global_symbols()?;
let address_map = pdb.address_map()?;

let mut symbols = symbol_table.iter();
while let Some(symbol) = symbols.next()? {
    match symbol.parse() {
        Ok(pdb::SymbolData::Public(data)) if data.function => {
            // we found the location of a function!
            let rva = data.offset.to_rva(&address_map).unwrap_or_default();
            println!("{} is {}", rva, data.name);
        _ => {}


A mapping between addresses and offsets used in the PDB and PE file.

Reference to an annotation.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_ARGLIST.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_ARRAY, LF_ARRAY_ST or LF_STRIDED_ARRAY.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_BCLASS or LF_BINTERFACE.

Binary annotations of a symbol.

An iterator over binary annotations used by S_INLINESITE.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_BITFIELD.

A block symbol.

Tool, version and command line build information.

Reference to build information.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_CLASS, LF_CLASS_ST, LF_STRUCTURE, LF_STRUCTURE_ST or LF_INTERFACE.

Compile flags declared in CompileFlagsSymbol.

Flags used to compile a module.

A version number refered to by CompileFlagsSymbol.

A constant value.

A table of exports declared by this module.

Provides efficient access to imported types and IDs from other modules.

Reference to a local type or id in another module.

Information about a module’s contribution to a section. struct SC in Microsoft’s code: https://github.com/Microsoft/microsoft-pdb/blob/082c5290e5aff028ae84e43affa8be717aa7af73/PDB/include/dbicommon.h#L42

A DBISectionContributionIter iterates over the section contributions in the DBI section, producing DBISectionContributions.

Reference to an imported variable.

Static data, such as a global variable.

Provides access to the “DBI” stream inside the PDB.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_ENUMERATE or LF_ENUMERATE_ST.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_ENUM or LF_ENUM_ST.

An exported symbol.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_FIELDLIST.

Index of a file entry in the module.

Information record on a source file.

An iterator over file records in a module.

Frame data for a code block.

Iterator over entries in a FrameTable.

Describes stack frame layout of functions.

Global function, usually inlined.

Index of an Id in IdInformation stream.

A PE IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, as described in the Microsoft documentation.

The callsite of an inlined function.

An inlined function that can evaluate to line information.

An iterator over line information records in a module.

An iterator over line information records in a module.

Represents an entry in the type or id stream.

In-memory index for efficient random-access to Items by index.

Zero-copy access to a PDB type or id stream.

An iterator over items in TypeInformation or IdInformation.

A label symbol.

Mapping of a source code offset to a source file location.

An iterator over line information records in a module.

The LineProgram provides access to source line information for a module and its procedures.

An ItemIndex that is local to a module.

A local symbol in optimized code.

Member function, usually inlined.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_MFUNCTION.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_MEMBER or LF_MEMBER_ST.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_METHODLIST.

An entry in a MethodList.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_ONEMETHOD or LF_ONEMETHOD_ST.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_MODIFIER.

Represents a module from the DBI stream.

This struct contains data about a single module from its module info stream.

A ModuleIter iterates over the modules in the DBI section, producing Modules.

Named reference to a Module.

A Register variable spanning multiple registers.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_NESTTYPE, LF_NESTTYPE_ST, LF_NESTTYPEEX, or LF_NESTTYPEEX_ST.

Name of the object file of this module.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_METHOD or LF_METHOD_ST.

PDB provides access to the data within a PDB file.

A PDB info stream header parsed from a stream.

A Relative Virtual Address in an unoptimized PE file.

An offset relative to a PE section in the original unoptimized binary.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_POINTER.

Represents a primitive type like void or char *.

Reference to an imported procedure.

A procedure, such as a function or method.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_PROCEDURE.

A public symbol with a mangled name.

RawString refers to a &[u8] that physically resides somewhere inside a PDB data structure.

A register referred to by its number.

A register relative symbol.

A Register variable.

A Relative Virtual Address as it appears in a PE file.

Iterator over Rva ranges returned by AddressMap::rva_ranges.

An offset relative to a PE section.

A separated code symbol.

Represents an offset + size of the source file.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_STMEMBER or LF_STMEMBER_ST.

Index of a PDB stream.

A named stream contained within the PDB file.

A list of named streams contained within the PDB file.

A string.

A list of substrings.

A reference to a string in the string table.

The global string table of a PDB.

Represents a symbol from the symbol table.

A reference into the symbol table of a module.

A SymbolIter iterates over a SymbolTable, producing Symbols.

PDB symbol tables contain names, locations, and metadata about functions, global/static data, constants, data types, and more.

A thread local variable.

Thunk adjustor

A thunk symbol.

Index of TypeData in the TypeInformation stream.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_UNION or LF_UNION_ST.

Source and line of the definition of a User Defined Type (UDT).

A user defined type.

A using namespace directive.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_VBCLASS or LF_IVBCLASS.

The information parsed from a type record with kind LF_VFUNCTAB.


Represents a parsed BinaryAnnotation.

These values correspond to the CV_CPU_TYPE_e enumeration, and are documented on MSDN.

Used by ClassType to distinguish class-like concepts.

A cross module export that can either be a Type or an Id.

An error that occurred while reading or parsing the PDB.

Checksum of a source file’s contents.

A compiler specific frame type.

The version of the PDB format.

Encapsulates parsed data about an Id.

Pointer mode of primitive types.

The kind of source construct a line info is referring to.

The kind of a PointerType.

The mode of a PointerType.

A simple type.

These values correspond to the CV_CFL_LANG enumeration, and are documented on MSDN.

Information parsed from a Symbol record.

A thunk kind

Encapsulates parsed data about a Type.

A reference to the source file name of a UserDefinedTypeSourceId.

Value of an enumerate type.


An Iterator-like trait that allows for calculation of items to fail.

An index into either the TypeInformation or IdInformation stream.

The pdb crate accesses PDB files via the pdb::Source trait.

An owned, droppable, read-only view of the source file which can be referenced as a byte slice.

Type Definitions

Information on an inline function, build infos or source references.

In-memory index for efficient random-access of Ids by index.

Zero-copy access to the PDB type stream (TPI).

An iterator over Ids returned by IdInformation::iter.

An iterator over StreamNames.

The result type returned by this crate.

The raw type discriminator for Symbols.

Information on a primitive type, class, or procedure.

In-memory index for efficient random-access of Types by index.

Zero-copy access to the PDB type stream (TPI).

An iterator over Types returned by TypeInformation::iter.