Expand description

Provides demangling support.

Currently supported languages:

  • C++ (without windows)
  • Rust
  • Swift
  • ObjC (only symbol detection)

As the demangling schemes for different languages are different, the feature set is also inconsistent. In particular Rust for instance has no overloading so argument types are generally not expected to be encoded into the function name whereas they are in Swift and C++.


use symbolic_common::types::{Language, Name};
use symbolic_demangle::Demangle;

let name = Name::new("__ZN3std2io4Read11read_to_end17hb85a0f6802e14499E");
assert_eq!(name.detect_language(), Some(Language::Rust));
assert_eq!(&name.try_demangle(Default::default()), "std::io::Read::read_to_end");


Options for the demangling.


Defines the output format of the demangler.


Allows to demangle potentially mangled names.


Demangles an identifier and falls back to the original symbol.