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Sycamore API Documentation

Sycamore is a VDOM-less web library with fine-grained reactivity.

This is the API docs for sycamore. If you are looking for the usage docs, checkout the Sycamore Book.

Feature Flags

  • builder - Enables the builder API.

  • dom (default) - Enables rendering templates to DOM nodes. Only useful on wasm32-unknown-unknown target.

  • hydrate - Enables client-side hydration support.

  • suspense - Enables wrappers around wasm-bindgen-futures to make it easier to extend a reactive scope into an async function.

  • ssr - Enables rendering templates to static strings (useful for Server Side Rendering / Pre-rendering).

  • serde - Enables serializing and deserializing Signals and other wrapper types using serde.

  • wasm-bindgen-interning (default) - Enables interning for wasm-bindgen strings. This improves performance at a slight cost in binary size. If you want to minimize the size of the result .wasm binary, you might want to disable this.


pub use generic_node::render_to_string;
pub use generic_node::render_to_string_await_suspense;
pub use generic_node::hydrate;
pub use generic_node::hydrate_get_scope;
pub use generic_node::hydrate_to;
pub use generic_node::render;
pub use generic_node::render_get_scope;
pub use generic_node::render_to;


The builder pattern API for creating UI elements.

Utilities for components and component properties.

Easing functions.

Iteration utility components for view!.

Utilities for Sycamore when working with futures and async.

Abstraction over a rendering backend.

HTML tag definitions.

Utilities for smooth transitions and animations.

References to nodes in templates.

Portal API.

The sycamore prelude.

Re-export for sycamore-reactive crate.

Suspense with first class async/await support.

Internal utilities for Sycamore.

Result of the view! macro.


A macro for ergonomically creating complex UI structures.

Attribute Macros

A macro for creating components from functions.

Derive Macros

A derive macro for creating a builder-like API used in the view! macro.