swc_ecma_ast 0.2.0

Ecmascript ast.
Build #127823 2018-11-19T05:27:45.652406+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.32.0-nightly (6b9b97bd9 2018-11-15)
# docs.rs version
cratesfyi 0.6.0 (084f762 2018-11-13)

# build log
Updating crates.io index
Downloading crates ...
Downloaded swc_ecma_ast v0.2.0
Fresh semver-parser v0.7.0
Fresh nodrop v0.1.13
Fresh cfg-if v0.1.6
Fresh lazy_static v1.2.0
Fresh void v1.0.2
Fresh scopeguard v0.3.3
Fresh memoffset v0.2.1
Fresh stable_deref_trait v1.1.1
Fresh unicode-xid v0.1.0
Fresh rand_core v0.3.0
Fresh bitflags v1.0.4
Fresh either v1.5.0
Fresh byteorder v1.2.7
Fresh unicode-width v0.1.5
Fresh libc v0.2.43
Fresh rustc-ap-graphviz v297.0.0
Fresh ident_case v1.0.0
Fresh fnv v1.0.6
Fresh scoped-tls v0.1.2
Fresh siphasher v0.2.3
Fresh termcolor v1.0.4
Fresh string_cache_shared v0.3.0
Fresh precomputed-hash v0.1.1
Fresh semver v0.9.0
Fresh arrayvec v0.4.7
Fresh crossbeam-utils v0.2.2
Fresh log v0.4.6
Fresh unreachable v1.0.0
Fresh owning_ref v0.4.0
Fresh num_cpus v1.8.0
Fresh rand v0.4.3
Fresh atty v0.2.11
Fresh rand_core v0.2.2
Fresh rustc-hash v1.0.1
Fresh phf_shared v0.7.23
Fresh rustc_version v0.2.3
Fresh crossbeam-epoch v0.3.1
Fresh rustc-ap-rustc_cratesio_shim v297.0.0
Fresh ena v0.9.3
Fresh smallvec v0.6.6
Fresh new_debug_unreachable v1.0.1
Fresh lock_api v0.1.5
Fresh proc-macro2 v0.4.24
Fresh rand v0.5.5
Fresh serde v1.0.80
Fresh crossbeam-deque v0.2.0
Fresh rustc-ap-serialize v297.0.0
Fresh parking_lot_core v0.2.14
Fresh quote v0.6.10
Fresh phf_generator v0.7.23
Fresh rustc-rayon-core v0.1.1
Fresh syn v0.14.9
Fresh string_cache_codegen v0.4.2
Fresh parking_lot_core v0.3.1
Fresh rustc-rayon v0.1.1
Fresh darling_core v0.7.0
Fresh pmutil v0.2.0
Fresh parking_lot v0.6.4
Fresh darling_macro v0.7.0
Fresh swc_macros_common v0.1.3
Fresh rustc-ap-rustc_data_structures v297.0.0
Fresh darling v0.7.0
Compiling string_enum v0.1.1
Compiling enum_kind v0.1.1
Fresh string_cache v0.7.3
Fresh rustc-ap-arena v297.0.0
Running `rustc --crate-name string_enum /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/string_enum-0.1.1/src/lib.rs --color never --crate-type proc-macro --emit=dep-info,link -C prefer-dynamic -C debuginfo=2 -C metadata=6cf22742abdb7cb6 -C extra-filename=-6cf22742abdb7cb6 --out-dir /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern pmutil=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libpmutil-c0f9056bd479f521.rlib --extern proc_macro2=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libproc_macro2-b4aa936b52a25191.rlib --extern quote=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libquote-fff0f39796dc4f33.rlib --extern swc_macros_common=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libswc_macros_common-2a9e008b5b0cf027.rlib --extern syn=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libsyn-ecd64905d6a4b474.rlib --cap-lints allow`
Running `rustc --crate-name enum_kind /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/enum_kind-0.1.1/src/lib.rs --color never --crate-type proc-macro --emit=dep-info,link -C prefer-dynamic -C debuginfo=2 -C metadata=209b57413a5fa6a6 -C extra-filename=-209b57413a5fa6a6 --out-dir /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern pmutil=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libpmutil-c0f9056bd479f521.rlib --extern proc_macro2=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libproc_macro2-b4aa936b52a25191.rlib --extern swc_macros_common=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libswc_macros_common-2a9e008b5b0cf027.rlib --extern syn=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libsyn-ecd64905d6a4b474.rlib --cap-lints allow`
Fresh rustc-ap-rustc_target v297.0.0
Fresh ast_node v0.2.0
Fresh swc_atoms v0.1.0
Fresh rustc-ap-syntax_pos v297.0.0
Fresh rustc-ap-rustc_errors v297.0.0
Fresh rustc-ap-syntax v297.0.0
Checking swc_common v0.1.2
Running `rustc --crate-name swc_common /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_common-0.1.2/src/lib.rs --color never --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata -C debuginfo=2 -C metadata=13af0b26fdc8b9a4 -C extra-filename=-13af0b26fdc8b9a4 --out-dir /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern ast_node=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libast_node-b3ac1cfe2bc52597.so --extern either=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libeither-26433b25218ddc92.rmeta --extern rustc_data_structures=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/librustc_data_structures-a34d8aab9435676d.rmeta --extern rustc_errors=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/librustc_errors-02cfb99c3d0496d9.rmeta --extern syntax=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libsyntax-aa4a4d4ec6f27e33.rmeta --extern syntax_pos=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libsyntax_pos-312f8377723b85cf.rmeta --extern string_cache=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libstring_cache-b68e0d1152f4dabd.rmeta --cap-lints allow`
Documenting swc_ecma_ast v0.2.0
Running `rustdoc --crate-name swc_ecma_ast /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lib.rs --cap-lints allow --color never -o /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/doc -Z unstable-options --resource-suffix -20181115-1.32.0-nightly-6b9b97bd9 --extern-html-root-url 'swc_common=https://docs.rs/swc_common/0.1.2' --extern-html-root-url 'enum_kind=https://docs.rs/enum_kind/0.1.1' --extern-html-root-url 'swc_atoms=https://docs.rs/swc_atoms/0.1.0' --extern-html-root-url 'string_enum=https://docs.rs/string_enum/0.1.1' -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern enum_kind=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libenum_kind-209b57413a5fa6a6.so --extern string_enum=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libstring_enum-6cf22742abdb7cb6.so --extern swc_atoms=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libswc_atoms-3abf54cdd88fb28a.rmeta --extern swc_common=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libswc_common-13af0b26fdc8b9a4.rmeta`
error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/class.rs:4:1
4 | #[ast_node]
| -----------
| |
| `swc_common` reimported here
| previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
4 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/class.rs:12:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
12 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
12 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/class.rs:12:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
12 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
12 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/class.rs:25:51
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
25 | #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Fold)]
|                                                   ^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
25 | #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;)]
|                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/decl.rs:4:1
4 | #[ast_node]
| -----------
| |
| `swc_common` reimported here
| previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
4 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/decl.rs:11:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
11 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
11 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/decl.rs:11:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
11 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
11 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/decl.rs:18:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
18 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
18 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/decl.rs:18:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
18 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
18 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/decl.rs:25:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
25 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
25 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/decl.rs:25:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
25 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
25 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/decl.rs:33:10
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
33 | #[derive(Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|          ^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
33 | #[derive(extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/decl.rs:43:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
43 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
43 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/decl.rs:43:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
43 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
43 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:6:1
6 | #[ast_node]
| -----------
| |
| `swc_common` reimported here
| previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
6 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:67:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
67 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
67 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:67:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
67 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
67 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:74:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
74 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
74 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:74:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
74 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
74 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:81:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
81 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
81 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:81:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
81 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
81 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:87:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
87 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
87 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:87:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
87 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
87 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:94:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
94 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
94 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:94:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
94 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
94 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:102:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
102 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
102 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:102:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
102 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
102 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:110:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
110 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
110 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:110:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
110 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
110 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:119:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
119 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
119 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:119:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
119 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
119 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:130:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
130 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
130 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:130:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
130 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
130 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:138:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
138 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
138 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:138:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
138 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
138 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:145:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
145 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
145 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:145:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
145 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
145 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:153:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
153 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
153 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:153:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
153 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
153 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:161:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
161 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
161 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:161:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
161 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
161 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:169:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
169 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
169 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:169:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
169 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
169 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:175:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
175 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
175 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:175:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
175 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
175 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:181:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
181 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
181 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:181:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
181 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
181 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:188:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
188 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
188 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:188:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
188 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
188 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:197:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
197 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
197 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:197:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
197 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
197 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:203:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
203 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
203 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:203:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
203 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
203 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:210:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
210 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
210 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:210:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
210 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
210 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:216:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
216 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
216 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:216:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
216 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
216 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:224:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
224 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
224 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:224:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
224 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
224 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:232:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
232 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
232 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:232:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
232 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
232 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:238:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
238 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
238 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:238:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
238 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
238 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:245:10
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
245 | #[derive(Fold, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
|          ^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
245 | #[derive(extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
|          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:260:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
260 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
260 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:260:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
260 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
260 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:267:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
267 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
267 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/expr.rs:267:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
267 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
267 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/function.rs:5:1
5 | #[ast_node]
| -----------
| |
| `swc_common` reimported here
| previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
5 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:6:1
6 | #[ast_node]
| -----------
| |
| `swc_common` reimported here
| previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
6 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:15:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
15 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
15 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:15:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
15 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
15 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:23:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
23 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
23 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:23:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
23 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
23 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:30:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
30 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
30 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:30:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
30 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
30 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:36:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
36 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
36 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:36:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
36 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
36 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:45:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
45 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
45 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lit.rs:45:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
45 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
45 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module.rs:4:1
4 | #[ast_node]
| -----------
| |
| `swc_common` reimported here
| previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
4 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module.rs:10:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
10 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
10 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module.rs:10:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
10 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
10 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:5:1
5 | #[ast_node]
| -----------
| |
| `swc_common` reimported here
| previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
5 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:17:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
17 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
17 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:17:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
17 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
17 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:26:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
26 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
26 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:26:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
26 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
26 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:34:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
34 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
34 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:34:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
34 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
34 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:42:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
42 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
42 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:42:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
42 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
42 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:51:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
51 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
51 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:51:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
51 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
51 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:59:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
59 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
59 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:59:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
59 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
59 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:65:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
65 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
65 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:65:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
65 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
65 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:73:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
73 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
73 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:73:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
73 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
73 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:80:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
80 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
80 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/module_decl.rs:80:1
5  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
80 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
80 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `std` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/operators.rs:88:16
5  | #[derive(Kind, Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                      ---------- previous import of the extern crate `std` here
88 | #[derive(Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                ^^^^^^^^^^ `std` reimported here
= note: `std` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
88 | #[derive(Fold, extern crate std as other_std;, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/operators.rs:88:10
5  | #[derive(Kind, Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                ---- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
88 | #[derive(Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|          ^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
88 | #[derive(extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0259]: the name `std` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/operators.rs:119:16
5   | #[derive(Kind, Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                      ---------- previous import of the extern crate `std` here
119 | #[derive(Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                ^^^^^^^^^^ `std` reimported here
= note: `std` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
119 | #[derive(Fold, extern crate std as other_std;, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/operators.rs:119:10
5   | #[derive(Kind, Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                ---- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
119 | #[derive(Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|          ^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
119 | #[derive(extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0259]: the name `std` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/operators.rs:127:16
5   | #[derive(Kind, Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                      ---------- previous import of the extern crate `std` here
127 | #[derive(Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                ^^^^^^^^^^ `std` reimported here
= note: `std` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
127 | #[derive(Fold, extern crate std as other_std;, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/operators.rs:127:10
5   | #[derive(Kind, Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                ---- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
127 | #[derive(Fold, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|          ^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
127 | #[derive(extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;, StringEnum, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:4:1
4 | #[ast_node]
| -----------
| |
| `swc_common` reimported here
| previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
4 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:20:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
20 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
20 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:20:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
20 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
20 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:26:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
26 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
26 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:26:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
26 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
26 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:32:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
32 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
32 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:32:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
32 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
32 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:40:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
40 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
40 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:40:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
40 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
40 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:48:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
48 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
48 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:48:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
48 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
48 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:56:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
56 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
56 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:56:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
56 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
56 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:64:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
64 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
64 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/pat.rs:64:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
64 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
64 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:4:1
4 | #[ast_node]
| -----------
| |
| `swc_common` reimported here
| previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
4 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:18:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
18 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
18 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:18:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
18 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
18 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:27:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
27 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
27 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:27:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
27 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
27 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:34:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
34 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
34 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:34:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
34 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
34 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:40:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
40 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
40 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:40:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
40 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
40 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:47:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
47 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
47 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:47:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
47 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
47 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:55:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
55 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
55 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/prop.rs:55:1
4  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
55 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
55 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:6:1
6 | #[ast_node]
| -----------
| |
| `swc_common` reimported here
| previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
6 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:14:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
14 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
14 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:14:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
14 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
14 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:56:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
56 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
56 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:56:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
56 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
56 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:63:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
63 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
63 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:63:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
63 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
63 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:69:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
69 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
69 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:69:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
69 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
69 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:76:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
76 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
76 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:76:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
76 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
76 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:82:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
82 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
82 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:82:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
82 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
82 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:88:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
88 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
88 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:88:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
88 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
88 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:93:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
93 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
93 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:93:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
93 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
93 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:98:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
98 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
98 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:98:1
6  | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
98 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
98 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:105:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
105 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
105 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:105:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
105 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
105 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:111:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
111 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
111 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:111:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
111 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
111 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:116:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
116 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
116 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:116:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
116 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
116 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:123:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
123 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
123 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:123:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
123 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
123 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:129:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
129 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
129 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:129:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
129 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
129 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:135:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
135 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
135 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:135:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
135 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
135 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:143:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
143 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
143 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:143:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
143 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
143 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:150:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
150 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
150 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:150:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
150 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
150 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:164:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
164 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
164 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:164:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
164 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
164 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:173:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
173 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
173 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:173:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
173 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
173 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:185:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
185 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
185 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:185:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
185 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
185 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:191:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
191 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
191 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/stmt.rs:191:1
6   | #[ast_node]
| ----------- previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
191 | #[ast_node]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
191 | extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lib.rs:65:19
16 | extern crate swc_common;
| ------------------------ previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
65 | #[derive(Spanned, Fold, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                   ^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
65 | #[derive(Spanned, extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0259]: the name `swc_common` is defined multiple times
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lib.rs:65:10
16 | extern crate swc_common;
| ------------------------ previous import of the extern crate `swc_common` here
65 | #[derive(Spanned, Fold, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|          ^^^^^^^ `swc_common` reimported here
= note: `swc_common` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
65 | #[derive(extern crate swc_common as other_swc_common;, Fold, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
|          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: Compilation failed, aborting rustdoc

thread 'main' panicked at 'ProcessError { desc: "process didn\'t exit successfully: `rustdoc --crate-name swc_ecma_ast /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/swc_ecma_ast-0.2.0/src/lib.rs --cap-lints allow --color never -o /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/doc -Z unstable-options --resource-suffix -20181115-1.32.0-nightly-6b9b97bd9 --extern-html-root-url \'swc_common=https://docs.rs/swc_common/0.1.2\' --extern-html-root-url \'enum_kind=https://docs.rs/enum_kind/0.1.1\' --extern-html-root-url \'swc_atoms=https://docs.rs/swc_atoms/0.1.0\' --extern-html-root-url \'string_enum=https://docs.rs/string_enum/0.1.1\' -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern enum_kind=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libenum_kind-209b57413a5fa6a6.so --extern string_enum=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libstring_enum-6cf22742abdb7cb6.so --extern swc_atoms=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libswc_atoms-3abf54cdd88fb28a.rmeta --extern swc_common=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libswc_common-13af0b26fdc8b9a4.rmeta` (exit code: 1)", exit: Some(ExitStatus(ExitStatus(256))), output: None }

Could not document `swc_ecma_ast`.', src/bin/cratesfyi.rs:142:13
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.