Crate surge_ping

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  • If you want to pass the Client in the task, please wrap it with Arc: Arc<Client>. and can realize the simultaneous ping of multiple addresses when only one socket is created.
  • Config is the packaging of various configurations of sockets. If you want to make some set_socket_opt and other modifications, please define and implement them in Config.
  • Packet structure returned by ICMPv4.
  • Packet structure returned by ICMPv6.
  • A Ping struct represents the state of one particular ping instance.


  • Represents the ICMP reply packet.
  • An error resulting from a ping option-setting or send/receive operation.


  • Shortcut method to ping address. NOTE: This function creates a new internal Client on each call, and so should not be used if making many target. Create a Client instead.