Crate substrate_stellar_sdk[][src]

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An SDK for Stellar that can be used in Substrate projects


Generic types for encoding XDR variable length arrays and strings

Stellar network passphrases

Autogenerated XDR types


Autogenerated definition for type Curve25519Secret

Autogenerated definition for type FeeBumpTransaction

Autogenerated definition for type Operation

Autogenerated definition for type Price

An Ed25519 signing keypair

Autogenerated definition for type Signer

Autogenerated definition for type TimeBounds

Autogenerated definition for type Transaction


Autogenerated definition for type Asset

Autogenerated definition for type AssetCode

Autogenerated definition for type ClaimPredicate

Autogenerated definition for type ClaimableBalanceId

Autogenerated definition for type Claimant

Autogenerated definition for type LedgerKey

Autogenerated definition for type Memo

Autogenerated definition for type MuxedAccount

Autogenerated definition for type PublicKey

Autogenerated definition for type SignerKey

Autogenerated definition for type TransactionEnvelope

Autogenerated definition for type TrustLineFlags



Type Definitions

Autogenerated definition for type AccountId

Autogenerated definition for type DataValue

Autogenerated definition for type Hash