Crate structype_derive[][src]

This is a derive procedural macro that will let you add custom derive and attributes over structs, enums and unions. This derive will add two impl on the type. The as_string() method returns a json serialized string representation of the type with any meta information annotated with structype_meta("key"=val) attribute, while the print_fields() method will print the same to STDOUT. This macro will panic at compile time if annotated over tuple and unit structs.


use structype_derive::StrucType;
// #[structype_meta("labelover_ride=name")] This will panic the macro
struct UserStruct {
    #[structype_meta(override_name="Primary ID", order="1")]
    id: i64,
    #[structype_meta(override_name="name", order="0")]
    username: String,
    org: String,
    details: Details,

struct Details {
    user_attributes: std::collections::HashMap<String, String>,

fn print_struct_fields() {
    let data = UserStruct::as_string();
    println!("{}", data);
    let data = Details::as_string();
    println!("{}", data);

The above will generate and return a json serialized string representation where the key is the struct’s field name and the value is a HashMap<String, String> of structype_meta’s key-val. If the structype_meta is absent, the field’s associated value would be an empty {}.


         "id": {
             "override_name": "Primary ID",
             "order": "1"
         "username": {
             "override_name": "name",
             "order": "0"
         "org": {}
         "details": {}

Derive Macros
