structconf 0.1.3

Combine clap and rust-ini into a single procedural macro

StructConf is a derive macro that allows you to combine argument parsing from clap and config file parsing from rust-ini at compile time. It's inspired by the argument parser gumdrop, and developed to be used in Vidify. Example:

use structconf::StructConf;

struct Config {
    // Option available in the config file and the arguments
    #[conf(help = "description for the argument parser.")]
    pub default: i32,
    // Specify where the options are available.
    pub args_opt: u8,
    #[conf(no_short, no_long)]
    pub conf_opt: Option<String>,
    #[conf(no_short, no_long, no_file)]
    pub ignored: bool,
    // Customize the names
    #[conf(short = "x", long = "renamed-opt", file = "my_opt",
           help = "custom names.")]
    pub renamed: String,
    // Inverse arguments
    #[conf(short = "n", long = "no_pancakes", help = "disable pancakes.")]
    pub pancakes: bool,
    // Custom default values
    #[conf(default = "123.45")]
    pub floating: f64,

Read the docs for more details on how to use StructConf.