struct_deser 0.1.1

Simple (de)serialization of structs from/to bytes.

Struct (de)serialization

This crate provides very simple way of (de)serializing structs. The main purpose is to aid working with packets.


  • derive(StructDeser)
  • handling of endianess
  • associated consts
  • no_std


extern crate struct_deser;
extern crate struct_deser_derive;

// derive traits
#[derive(StructDeser, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Packet {
    // mark as big endian
    // this is mandatory because u16 has multiple bytes
    version: u16,
    // u8 goes without endianess attribute
    ttl: u8,
    // mark as little endian
    chksum: u32,

fn main() {
    use struct_deser::{SerializedByteLen,FromBytes,IntoBytes};

    let packet0 = Packet {
        version: 1,
        ttl: 42,
        chksum: 47,

    let mut bytes = [0; Packet::BYTE_LEN];
    packet0.into_bytes(&mut bytes);
    let packet1 = Packet::from_bytes(&bytes);

    assert_eq!(packet0, packet1);
