Crate stream_throttle

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Provides a Stream combinator, to limit the rate at which items are produced.

Key Features

  • Throttling is implemented via poll(), and not via any sort of buffering.
  • The throttling behaviour can be applied to both Stream’s and Future’s.
  • Multiple streams/futures can be throttled together as a group.

Example throttling of Stream

let rate = ThrottleRate::new(5, Duration::new(2, 0));
let pool = ThrottlePool::new(rate);

let work = stream::repeat(())
  .for_each(|_| Ok(()));


Example throttling of Future

let rate = ThrottleRate::new(5, Duration::new(2, 0));
let pool = ThrottlePool::new(rate);

let work = pool.queue()
  .then(|_| Ok(()));




A clonable object which is used to throttle one or more streams, according to a shared rate.
Defines the the throttle rate.
A stream combinator which throttles its elements via a shared ThrottlePool.


Provides a throttle() method on all Stream’s.