Crate storm[][src]


pub extern crate log;
pub use cgmath;
pub use crevice;
pub use fontdue;


Audio primitives.

Color primitives.

Graphics primitives.

Image utilities.

Math utilities.

Time utilities.


Parameters for how the screen should be cleared.

The main entry point into the engine context. All interactions with the context are managed by the API on this type.

Configuration settings for the window.


Describes a button of a mouse controller.

Enumeration for window display options.

An input event. These are represented as an enumeration to preserve ordering when stored in a vector and read sequentially.

Symbolic name for a keyboard key.

A cursor wheel movement. Some mice have left and right scroll options.

Enumeration for all possible vsync settings.


Clears the screen buffers according to the clear mode.

Returns a simple 1x1 white texture.

Gets the max texture size supported on the GPU.